Explore the first of many areas as Iah, a lunar god, in this demo of Phasia! In a roguelike game inspired by The Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon, you find yourself in a world of animal gods in Ancient Egypt, using the gem on your head to subdue foes and solve ancient puzzles.

Characters include:

Iah - the desert fox, determined to stop Set's malice

Set - the god of chaos and unworthy thief of the throne

Ptah - the addax, owner of Legendary Lapidary

Mau - the friendly cat who oversees your new home

Hapi - the frog and god of the Nile, who comes to your aid at desperate times

Controls are WASD to move, and moving the mouse to rotate the character. Press escape if you want to regain control of the mouse.

Note: If you are on a Mac, do not use Safari to play the in-browser version. There is audio crackling. Firefox worked for me.

Note: I would probably recommend downloading the game vs. in-browser, for more consistency

Note: If you have any comments or questions, I invite you to post a comment in the discussion boards, so I can keep using feedback to make the game better! Thanks!


Phasia_Demo.dmg 64 MB
Phasia_Demo.zip 35 MB
Design Document